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  • Writer's picturePastor Steve VanAmburg

Helping One Another

Galatians 6:2 Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.

During our recent hurricane event here in Florida, many of our people wondered what was going to happen. Was it going to hit our community, was it going south of us, north of us, through us? Was it going to be a category 2, 3, 4, or something else. As it turned out Hurricane Dorian reached a category 5 status and had winds higher than anything we could have imagined. As we waited to see what would happen, we watched the Bahamas get battered over and over again. If you’re like me, I can’t even have imagined what they were going through. To experience winds like they were going through and have them sustained for a day or more is something beyond what any of us can imagine.

We were especially blessed to avoid that storm. We may have gotten a little wind and rain, but nothing like the Bahamas. God really spared us of a lot of devastation and destruction. In the days to come we will see many images of the destruction in the Bahamas and of the incredible needs that they have. Unfortunately there are always some scam artists who misrepresent things and take advantage of the kindness of others. But may I encourage you to find organizations and groups that will render help to our Bahamian brothers and sisters. I know our Christian & Missionary Family is investigating how we can best help them. Samaritan’s Purse and the Red Cross are always some of the first to help too.

The book of Galatians 6:5 teaches us that “each one will bear his own load.” But verse 2 teaches us that we should “bear one another’s burden.” Well there is a point where we do the things that we’re supposed to do and then there’s a point where we need extra help from others. Many in the Bahamas did their best to prepare, but the storm was beyond anything that we could imagine. It’s now time for us to help bear their burden.

In what ways do you need to bear your own load? In what ways can you help bear other people’s burden? In what ways do you need help? This interdependence strengthens our faith and draws us closer together. Let’s pray for those who need help and see what we can do to be a part of the solution.

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