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Writer's picturePastor Steve VanAmburg

9/11 - Offering Your Body

Today is September 11.  It was 23 years ago when terrorists flew into the twin World Trade Towers and the towers came down.  Thousands of people died because of that horrific event.  There were men and women, children and adults, those who worked in the buildings and first responders.  There was also the plane that crashed in Shanksville, PA that day.  Without the heroic efforts of the passengers the loss of life would have been greater.  And yes, there was a fourth plane that crashed into the Pentagon taking more lives.  So, we stop and remember them.  In addition to these deaths, there has been the loss of life to those who were exposed to smoke, gases, etc. and they developed cancer and other health conditions that have taken their lives.  As we mourn their loss, we remember the many who offered their bodies up to help others.

When 9-11 happened, I was pastoring a church in Lewisburg, PA which is in central Pennsylvania.  We were glued to the TV, wondering what was going on and praying for God’s help. Later, my son who was still young and in High School wished he was older so he could join the military and serve our country.  Many men and women did just that.  They offered themselves up for their country to try to bring about justice in our world and for our country.  And many of these brave and sacrificial people served in combat and they were willing to offer up their lives in their service to us and their country.  We are grateful to them!

Romans 12:1 says Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”  God teaches us to give ourselves to Him.  We are so grateful to God for those who have offered their bodies to the Lord as a “living sacrifice” and some of those people aren’t with us today.  We know the sacrifices that our missionaries make, but there are also regular people in countries that are opposed to Christianity, who are being martyred and maimed because they gave themselves to Jesus.  And let’s be honest, if it weren’t for some of those people and their sacrifices, many of us wouldn’t know Jesus today. 

So, thank you to all of you who have given yourself to serving our country, serving others, and especially for serving our Lord.  Thank you for not holding back and offering everything you have for these causes.  We have a better world because of you.  And for those of you who are looking for purpose and meaning in your life, offer yourself to Jesus.  He will take that gift of your life and use you in ways you could never imagine. 

Your Brother in Christ,

Pastor Steve VanAmburg

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